God's work, our hands
We believe in the transformative power of serving others and making a positive impact in the world around us.
At New Salem, we are deeply committed to reaching out to those in need in Bemidji, and we invite you to join us in this important mission.
If you're looking for ways to serve in church or in the community, look no further!
Worship Ministries
Choir, Altar Guild, ushering, assisting the Pastor with Communion, Bible reading, and providing special music are just few of the ministry opportunities available to all.
Social Ministries
Outreach, Stewardship, Recreational activities, Fellowship, Weddings & Funerals, providing transportation for those in need, and visiting those that are home-bound offer opportunities to serve one another.
Community Ministries
New Salem's members are involved within the community in a number of ways: Neilson Place Ministry and Peoples Church work with us to provide opportunities of community service, and each month we as a church partner with a local nonprofit for our mission work and donations.
Our members are continuously dedicated to helping at the Bemidji Food Shelf. We serve there the second Monday and Friday of each month, organized by our member, Karin. If you would like to become involved in this ministry, contact Karin at ksnortland5@gmail.com.
Youth Ministries
The youth of New Salem are involved in many areas of our services. They participate in worship, music, fellowship, fundraising activities, Wednesday evening Confirmation class, and assist with the needs of the congregation.
For more information, please call us at 218-586-2262 or email us at newsalem@paulbunyan.net